
“All the things that truly matter, beauty, love, creativity, joy and inner peace arise from beyond the mind.”

— Eckhart Tolle

Reiki Healing Stories

Reiki Heals Insomnia

I received a phone call from a new client who explained that she struggled with insomnia. She said she would try anything to help her to have a good night’s sleep. However because of the lack of sleep, she felt anxiety about her normal activities.

She expressed her concerns that she was in her 70s and afraid that Reiki would go against her Catholic beliefs and was looking for guidance how to move through this fear. She wondered if she was doing the right thing. I was born and raised Catholic and attended Catholic school from kindergarten, and I explained that receiving Reiki healing will not go against her beliefs. She was guided to find my name and phone number. She felt comfortable after we spoke and booked an appointment.

It was a beautiful fall day with a crisp chill in the air during the session. The fireplace was radiating a light heat, and the music softly played in the background. While she was lying on the Reiki table to begin the session, I covered her with a light fuzzy, cozy blanket. After the session was complete, she was still lying on the table and I asked her how the Reiki experience was and would she share her experience with me? She said, “it felt like I took a wonderful deep nap and felt an amazing warmth throughout my body and waves of soft pulsation.” Before the session, she hadn’t informed me that her left arm was causing her pain. Now she said it had felt like someone was massaging it with a cold and warm heat from the inside out.

I asked her to take her time in getting up from the table, and I would sit in the room on the couch until she was ready. Then as I walked away, we both heard a loud sound, like crashing glass on a wood floor. She asked, “what was that dear”? I said I wasn’t sure. Then, within seconds, the same sound happened again, but it came from the opposite side of the room of the original sound. She sat up on the table, and I walked over to the area where I heard the first sound. I saw a patron of Saint Jude medal on the carpet and placed it in my hand. Then, walking to the opposite side of the room where the second noise came from, I found a second medal of Saint Francis of Assisi. “ Do these two metals belong to you?” I asked. She said, “Oh yes, I never leave home without them. I always have one in each pocket. I feel they keep me safe and peaceful, but how did they get out of my pockets covered by this blanket and make such a loud sound when your room is carpeted?” I replied, “I’m sorry I cannot answer either of those questions, but have faith that everything is for the highest good.”

We both had little to say after this experience, but she paid me cash for my service. We hugged, and she went on her way. Afterwards, I thought I would never hear from this woman because of what had occurred. But I received a call, and she said, “Hello dear, I am the woman who had the two metals in my pockets. I have been sleeping like a baby every since I saw you and I would like to schedule another Reiki session with you.”

Such experiences are what I love about this beautiful gift of life force energy that knows exactly what to do and heals what is being sought.

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Reiki Steps in When Modern Medicine Fails

By Dawn Fleming

With the marvels of modern medicine, you would think that there would be a solution to every disease, illness or ailment that humans can contract, but there are not. I have been working with Reiki for over 24 years and have had a lot of situations with clients where Reiki was the only thing that resolved their issues. There are so many mysterious illnesses that send many people to the doctor. They have their blood analyzed and undergo many tests, yet the medical experts cannot quite put their finger on what is going on in their parent’s body. Sound familiar?

I have worked with many clients who were in car accidents. The medical world was very good in repairing their broken bones or helping to heal their wounds. However, within a few weeks or a couple of months, the client is experiencing autoimmune type symptoms. They have weakened muscles, firing nerves, irritable bowel issues, or all of these. My latest client went through visits to the emergency room, lots of blood tests and nerve testing without a diagnosis. He felt as if the doctors thought it was all in his head. Many times with people who have been in accidents, their energy field is very fragmented and just needs to be put back together with Reiki. Also I find that they are still holding the emotional energy of the accident in their body as well, and I use Karuna Reiki to release the energy blocks around the emotional issues surrounding the accident. After three sessions, my client who had this mysterious nerve pain and muscle weakness, was able to resume his normal life and go back to the gym feeling stronger without pain.

There are some medical issues where nerves are inflamed and cause many problems, such as in Bell’s Palsy or Sciatic nerve pain. The medical world in most cases has the patient ride it out or take a drug that reduces the inflammation hoping it will reduce the time the person is experiencing the condition. Reiki brings balance by unblocking the backed up energy, impacting the nerves and creates calm. My husband and I were asked to do Reiki on someone diagnosed with Bell’s palsy. She had been diagnosed three days earlier and could not move the one side of her face. The doctors did not offer any drugs and she was told that it could be one to three months before her face could return to normal. She had a plane ticket for the next day and wanted to have more function in her face before going on the trip. We worked on her, and within 30 minutes she could blink her eye and slightly move her mouth. We were all excited about what the Reiki energy did. The next morning, she had more movement. She was able to go on vacation. With further sessions upon her return, she was completely back to normal in less than three weeks. 

Let’s look at eye issues. Once a patient is categorized as legally blind, the medical system does nothing more to work to restore a person’s vision. Reiki works very deeply on the energetic level and can unblock energy, restore diminished energy, and boost the energy to help any part of the body get a jumpstart on healing. I have found that if the eye has any eyesight at all, there is enough energy moving through the eye to be able to work with, helping to restore balance and eyesight. One of my clients in his 70s lost his driver license because he was considered legally blind from macular degeneration. The doctor said that is just the way it is; there’s nothing more we could do for him. After several Reiki sessions, his eyesight improved enough where his driver license was restored.

Many women are waiting later in life to start a family and a large percentage of women in their 30s or 40s seem to have problems getting pregnant. In some cases, the doctors cannot even pinpoint why they are having issues or label the situation as low hormones or a decline in egg production. They start them on hormones to prepare them to undergo IVF, a procedure that forces the ovaries to produce follicles that are then harvested, fertilized, and then placed back into the woman. This is very expensive and there is no guarantee it will work. With all of the cases I have worked on with Reiki, I see how the energy in the reproductive energy center is out of balance, and very well could be the cause for the fertility issues. Reiki can unblock the energy and restore the balance to a woman’s reproductive system. Reiki energy can also boost a woman’s energy if she is going through IUI or IVF. I am currently working with a woman who had been through two rounds of IVF with no luck. She had just turned 36. We began working in between her second and third rounds. After the second Reiki session, she produced several follicles. Her doctor was so excited. She’s in the mist of the third IVF cycle and has asked for Reiki to support the entire process. We both are very hopeful for the success of this process. 

Let’s talk about menopause. There is really no secret pill or surgery that can restore the physical and emotional balance wreaks havoc in a woman’s body. The hormones are crashing and it makes the body feel as if it has no physical energy and creates terrible mood swings that are unbearable. When I was going through menopause, I prayed for magic pill to make this all go away. I turn to my Reiki toolbox and began to use Karuna Reiki every day. It not only helped with all of the symptoms, it also helped me to focus on what I truly wanted to do and to manifest in this new phase of my life. Daily dose of Reiki allowed me to reflect on where I was and where I wanted to go. It was a marvelous calming gift that no drug can ever give me at this phase in my life.

One of my Reiki students was diagnosed with Lymphoma. She had a few enlarged nodes, which was how she noticed there was an issue. After blood work and being examined by the specialist, he said that they should just wait and see if the nodes got any bigger before doing anything about her situation. He checked her every six months. With her permission, I added her name to several online distant Reiki groups. She did Reiki for herself daily, and I was sending Reiki. She researched the right herbs to help support her body to heal and added those into her diet. Within two years, her body was healed without any prescription drugs or medical interventions.

My husband was diagnosed with reactive airways disease before we met when he was in his early 30s. His physical activity was very limited because he would get so winded. The only treatment the doctor offered was a prescription inhaler. The attitude was “learn to live with it”. We met and he discovered Reiki. After Reiki I, he began doing self Reiki, not necessarily on his lungs but on his whole body. He also was introduced to Reiki shares, which he participated in on a monthly basis. Overtime, we both noticed that he rarely used his inhaler and he was able to go Kayaking and do other activities that would have normally been too challenging for his breathing. We married and two years later he went to get life insurance. Since he had a reactive airways disease in his medical records, the insurance company asked that he go get a chest x-ray and breathing test so they could determine how bad it really was. The insurance company came back and said that the report showed that his lungs were cleared and there were no signs of any respiratory illness. We should have known he experienced a healing, based on all the things that he could now do without needing to stop and sit down.

There are so many other situations where the medical arena does not have all the answers. If they cannot find what is wrong from observing the person, through tests, or lab work, many times a person becomes a medical mystery. They continue to suffer with whatever the ailments are or they are given drugs, which makes them feel even worse. The answer to situations like this just might be Reiki because the issue just might be caused by an energy imbalance. The only thing that can restore an energetics imbalance is energy work. Reiki is a gentle yet very powerful form of energy work!

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Reiki Taught Me Self-Love and Acceptance

By Ashley Gregg

Just four weeks shy of my 38th birthday, I re-evaluated my life, where I’m going and where I have been. I have done this to understand my heart’s most authentic intentions, my soul’s purest desires, and my life’s purpose for my time on this earth. And I will tell you, I’m not sure where this journey will take me. I’m still learning. I’m still deep diving, and I’m still discovering all the beautiful things that make me, well, including writing this article.

At 26 years old, I was very ill and diagnosed with five auto immune diseases. While undiagnosed, I had struggled with these on some level for most of my life. I was on medical leave at work and trying to be a decently good young mom to two amazing children who were active in school and sports, and I was really struggling. Even day-to-day normal activities like showering and making myself semi presentable felt like I was trying to climb Mount Everest. My energy was twiddling, my life was seizing to exist outside of sickness, and the impact was significant every relationship and interaction I had. My emotional, spiritual and physical health were all suffering.

In a last-ditch effort for relief and a glimmer of hope, one of my intuitive friends referred me to a Reiki practitioner in my area. So I started researching Reiki, what it was, how it worked, and reading reviews from other people who had similar journeys relating to mine. I learned how hospitals began using it for relaxation, cell regeneration and healing, and I dove in headfirst. The minute I made my first appointment, I knew deep in my soul that this was not only the beginning of my personal healing journey, but that of helping others.

I need to be very clear when I say – healing yourself with Reiki is not all light and love, and it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. It takes a lot of commitment, dedication, hard work, and mostly grace to see yourself as you are right now, at this moment, as messy as you are and as you have been before. While some encourage you not to look back on the past and to focus solely on the now, I favor real self-evaluation for real self-evolution. Looking back is a perfect way to use your distance Reiki, to send love to your energetic self to those years you might have been struggling or not acting according to your inner compass. To know oneself is to see oneself in all the good, the bad, the ugly, and everything in between; to honestly, in your heart, acknowledge and meet each facet of you with compassion and radical self acceptance.

How is that possible though? How does Reiki help someone learn to love themselves wholly, intimately, and without judgment or sleight-of-hand? After 12 years of receiving Reiki, taking Usui/ Holy Fire III Reiki Master training, experiencing the difficulties of the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental healing aspects, I’m going to share some ways that Reiki not only allowed me to reframe my outlook and mindset, but also genuinely see myself as amazing, unique human being with so much authentic goodness to offer this world. Here are ways Reiki has changed my mindset, outlook, and life.

Reiki helped me learn to see people, situations and energy precisely as they are without expectations of how they should be. In the Reiki healing principles, we focus on the here and now, just for today, and we do it with compassion, calmness and kindness. By starting my day by repeating the Reiki principles and understanding that the only thing I can control is the present moment, I can direct my energy into a space of peace and love very early in the day.

Reiki taught me to breathe deeply, allowing energy to moved through my body and heart, and to open up and feel all my feelings. The healing energy moved the feelings of grief, anger, hardness or armor. It helped make space for me to be open to giving and receiving love, it also helped me find that voice that shakes, speaks up when something is wrong and sets healthy boundaries for itself.

Reiki has taught me to be gentle with myself and others. We are all spiritual beings having authentic human experiences. And while the mud may feel deeper to some than others, Reiki helps me have realistic perspectives on day-to-day tasks, to be forgiving when someone may have wronged me, and even more forgiving when I feel I may have let myself down.

Reiki is about integrity Pureness. Healing energy that holds your feet to the fire in a state of alignment. And while no one is perfect, Reiki has helped me maintain clarity and consistency in my values and morals. Reiki is love in its purest form. Prayer, invitation, invocation, and energy. It heals, does no harm only loves, and loves people from their darkest days into their brightest nights. It illuminates, shines, and envelopes. Its feeling is unlike anything else ever felt, magnetizing, energizing and peace-giving all at once.

By putting the principles into practice each day by giving yourself the gift of self-Reiki, by providing Reiki healing to others, and by aligning myself to the art of living and being Reiki, I have been able to learn to love myself just a little harder and a little longer. I have calmed the stressors, identified them faster and healed my dis-regulated nervous system and physical and energetic bodies. These actions effectively put my autoimmune conditions into remission. I’ve learned to silence the nay-sayers in the world around me, create boundaries with unhealthy family relationships, remove toxic friendships that no longer walked a healthy path or served a higher purpose, and lay down my sword of judgment and shame I held against myself.

I’m not a perfect person. I have a thousand flaws that I could quickly write out in a matter of minutes (while simultaneously taking hours to write out the fantastic things I also encompass and embody). But with Reiki and my daily practices, I have learned to love the shadows, embrace the darkness, and allow the light to shines through. I am excited to see where my journey with Reiki will take me next. So cheers to 38! It is going to be great. I feel it!

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I am off Zoloft

By Carol

A lot of you can probably understand when I say I depended on Zoloft for my sanity and yet hated taking it, hated having to depend on it. I began taking Zoloft several years ago when I found job stress, as an insurance agent, too much to deal with. I was off and on it several times because when it really took affect I would think I no longer needed it. Then the feelings of panic would come back, and I would go to the doctor and ask for Zoloft. It would take weeks to calm my system down again. I quit my job to care for my boyfriend of 10 years when he developed a brain tumor that was malignant. So I felt I no longer needed Zoloft. Is everyone saying “Duh…..”? So I went back to my old friend Zoloft hating it but feeling relief from the familiar feeling of anxiety. That was about a year and a half ago.

About 10 months ago I heard about Reiki at a Tai Chi retreat. It seemed like something I would like to learn more about. I went to Tranquil Waters to try out the Course in Miracles and found out that not only could I get a free Reiki treatment from Sharon but I could take an introductory class from Dawn. I was all ears although I made no connection between Reiki and what it could do for me and my need for Zoloft. I got my first Reiki attunement in March and then the Reiki II attunement in June.

It has empowered me to grow spiritually in ways I could never have dreamed of before. It has given me ways to help others and I am deeply grateful for that. Synchronicity flows through my life everyday. I began Reiki treatments with Dawn to work on some of my personal and physical problems several weeks ago. I mentioned to her that I would like to get off of Zoloft but didn’t see how I could since a tendency toward anxiety is a hereditary trait in my family. But I put the desire to get off it out there and just let it go. A couple of weeks ago I began forgetting to take my Zoloft most days, and when I went away for a week I just forgot to take it with me. So I finally realized I am off of it! I no longer feel the anxiety that I suffered with for so many years! It is not something I worked on. I just asked to be released from the need for Zoloft, forgot it, and it happened with no effort or even further thought on my part.

Always remember that even when you think nothing significant is happening with you spiritually, it is! The beauty and simplicity of Reiki is that you put the intention into the cosmos, and it requires no further effort on your part.

Love and gratitude, 

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Reiki Attunement Stories

Reiki and My Spiritual Awakening

After experiencing a traumatic panic attack in 2013, I forged an alternative path and embarked on my spiritual journey. I had to being offered a new lease on life because after suffering from severe depression on and off for several years, I never knew that by simply cherishing the simplicities of life, I could embody profound joy in each present moment. The fog of depression I had grown accustomed to living in had been lifted, and I no longer desired surface level experiences or attachments because of such clarity. So, I deepened my yoga practice, started meditating and taught myself affirmations. Honestly none of these practices sounds like a choice but more like a necessity to survive.

Not long after, my dear cousin Nicole reached out to me to let me know she would be taking a Reiki level one training and that I should join her. I knew little about this. “Energetic healing”? I asked. I was open to anything that would expand my consciousness, so I enthusiastically agreed. I trekked a couple of hours to her massage studio space on the New Hampshire Vermont border and dove headfirst into something I knew little about but would change me forever. Nicole, her friend Paige and I spent several hours with a Usui Holy fire III master teacher. Her calm, ethereal demeanor facilitated a soothing learning environment, and by the time we were beginning the attunement process, I already felt very connected to my spiritual core.

During the few weeks following my attunement, it was as if I were living in a dream simply floating through my daily life without a touch of anxiety or negativity tagging me back down to the reality that was once my life before the attunement. As soon as you have been attuned, there is no going back. It opens the door for the essence of your pure light to experience universal energy in a way that you could never have imagined. Of course, it was easy to read about this in my level one manual, but experiencing it was an entirely different story. I found that my Clair senses were awakened in the days after my attunement.

My experience was that after about five minutes in a social setting, I knew that the acquaintance I adored was in the early stages of pregnancy and that perhaps she was experiencing some health complications. After somehow knowing this information, I hesitated about my next step. What if I reach out and I’m wrong? What if she has recently suffered a miscarriage, and I will trigger her by asking? But somehow, I still knew the truth. 

Several days after the social event, I messaged her, saying I received a spiritual download of information regarding her pregnancy and that her baby would be fine despite some upsetting health concerns. She assured me I was, in fact, correct about her being pregnant and that the doctor had informed her of potential issues with her babies development, which all turned out to be a force alarm. Seven months later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

Clairsentience is a clear physical feeling. You actually feel the physical feelings in your body that others are experiencing. An example is if someone has a stomach ache, you feel either pain or a sensation in your stomach too. You may also feel emotional injuries were they may manifest in the body. To me this goes hand-in-hand with empathy, and I genuinely believe all Healer’s are empaths. Sensing other people’s feelings, pain, and hardship has been an essential tool guiding me in my practice as I pick up information through emotions.

Although there are positive examples of how I have experienced spiritual downloads since I have completed my Reiki attunements, some instances are not as pleasant because information can come through that isn’t exactly enjoyable. Navigating these experiences without a rulebook was never something I expected when I agreed to my level one Reiki class. However, I have learned that I can take measures to prepare myself and protect my energy.

First, I can create a shield of Reiki light around me when I feel unsafe to protect my energy. This step can be taken before practicing Reiki or simply before a social event I feel might make me anxious. For example, I often shield when I am having a tough conversation at work or if I find myself in a situation out of my control that is unnerving. Second, learning about, acquiring, and using crystals in my every day life and Reiki practice has been immensely helpful. Studying the different energetic properties of crystals and which ones can facilitate grounding, protection, and healing has been such a joy and a journey I will continue because quite simply, they’re gorgeous to have around! Keeping crystals close by has been a wonderful tool in my protection toolbox.

Several years have passed since those weeks I spent existing in the clouds in a dream like state following my first attunement. If only then I had known that the door through which I had just entered was the same door that would connect me with a true essence of my spiritual well-being – blissful and chilling experiences included. I might have been fearful, but of course, Reiki allows me to tap back into the space of uttermost peace, which I believe is a true essence of Reiki energy. I can access that peaceful place anytime I’m feeling unwell. My utmost goal as a Reiki Master is to guide others to access that peaceful place. Everyone who has been and decided to become attuned will not have the same experiences as they go forward in their practices because the Reiki energy touches us all uniquely. Still, if you have ever had a feeling to follow the course of Reiki on your spiritual path, you might find yourself walking through that very same door.

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 Reiki: A bridge to Expanded Consciousness

What does it mean to experience an expansion of consciousness? Expanding one’s consciousness involves going beyond the limited beliefs and conditioning we’ve learned in the past and opening oneself up to the profound depth and the mysteries of our existence. For me this has been the case. It has been a journey, connecting my awareness and the vast, ineffable  Consciousness that fills the cosmos. By surrendering to an open, receptive state while practicing Reiki, I’ve been able to access realms of wisdom and insight I was unaware of before. This practice has touched multiple aspects of my life, from shaking the foundation of my religious and spiritual beliefs to experiencing synchronistic events, recovering from grief and other physical health problems, understanding the correlation between all the layers of our being, and the ability to explore what it means to have expanded consciousness. 

Reiki has unlocked new views of perception, unveiling layers of interconnectedness with all that is. My Reiki practice has helped to facilitate this expansion. What began as a technique for relaxation revealed itself as a portal to the infinite curiosities of the universe.

Reiki sparked an insatiable thirst within me to explore the depth of spirituality across a broad range of beliefs and philosophies. I only went to mass sporadically on the well-known significant holidays in my Roman Catholic upbringing. Growing up, I received little guidance on practices like prayer or nurturing a devoted spiritual life beyond attending mass and the ceremonial taking of communion. Even from a young age, I vividly recall sitting in the pews, struggling to understand the sermons while observing the elaborate pageantry of religious rituals and customs. I will never forget the moment when an intuitive voice with me said “what does this have to do with God”? It was as if my childlike innocence could perceive that deeper spiritual truth were awaiting me that had little to do with these traditions.

So many of us were raised adhering to one religious doctrine or another. Yet we have seen how certain faith can propagate dogma, superstitions and influences that breed judgment, hatred, a closed mind and a limited view of the world. That is the beauty of Reiki. It requires no religious affiliation or dogma whatsoever. We can maintain our chosen beliefs while still practicing this healing modality. We can hold sacred the creeds instilled in us from birth, yet still accept that this undeniable energy guides us toward self-healing and elevated consciousness on the transcendental, non-denominational level.

Through the teachings and practice of Reiki, I came to understand the unifying truth that we all come from the same divine creative source, regardless of our professed beliefs. After learning Reiki, I gave in to my curiosity about other religions. Studying different world religions, I discovered a common thread at the core, they all point towards the same transcendental reality expressed through various languages and culture lenses. Through my experience with Reiki, I understood nothing happens by chance or accident in this universe. An intricate, divinely orchestrated plan and order permeates all aspects of our world and the greater cosmos.

I cannot help but feel I was divinely guided towards Reiki in the wake of my beloved grandmother‘s passing. I was grappling with immense sorrow and a sense of loss. Reiki provided an anchor and spiritual practice to embrace during those dark moments. It facilitated an inner healing journey, allowing me to process the natural emotions of mourning while awakening me to perspectives beyond the physical plane.


In the month following my grandmother‘s passing, I found myself in the depths of grief while still tempting to work a full-time job, raised two children and work towards my college degree. Twice a week, at minimum, I would feel overwhelmed by debilitating migraine headaches, which I now recognize were a physical manifestation of the emotional turmoil that gripped me. Yet no amount of professional treatment seems capable of providing relief from those griping headaches. I went to neurologists, underwent MIR scans, and tried various medications, but only found temporary relief with no actual answers for my headaches.


Then one day, in a search for relief from the physical tensions because of my mourning and busy life, I attended a yoga class. While I arrived, I noticed the class was a restorative yoga session incorporating Reiki, a modality I knew little about. However, I felt unmistakable excitement at experiencing this mysterious practice. In my need, the universe had conspire to guide me toward the healing balm my soul yarned for. Though I didn’t understand the full scope of Reiki powers at the moment, I could sense it would be a pivotal encounter, a bridge carry me from the depths of sorrow and physical pain towards new realms of light, growth, and peace I so desperately needed.


As I surrendered to the savanna pose for relaxation at the end of that fateful yoga class, the instructor blessed me with my first taste of Reiki’s sublime energies. In the stillness, a sacred vision appeared in my mind’s eye. I saw myself lying peacefully in the grass, gazing up at a breathtaking canopy of trees, swinging in the gentle breeze with sunlight filtering through the dancing leaves and branches, bathing me in a warm, radiant glow. Then I heard my grandmother‘s voice, resonating not just as sound but as a feeling that enveloped my entire being in profound comfort and reassurance. Her essence told me she was at peace, happy and whole in the realm she now inhabited.


I’m utterly convinced that the extraordinary vibrational frequencies activated within me by the Reiki I had received opened the doorway to this extraordinary experience. The healing balm of those energies briefly eased the anguish and grief that had weighed so oppressively upon my heart. An abiding sense of peace and release flowed through me, allowing pent-up emotions and tensions to be released finally. I think of myself in that moment as a balloon that was about to burst, and Reiki slowly let the air out. The grief was not gone with that one encounter, but it made my grief feel a little more tolerable, and I feel a little lighter.


By integrating this pivotal encounter and the Reiki sessions that followed, the migraines that had tormented me steadily dissolved into a distance memory. This opening was a spiritual initiation guiding me into a new phase of expanded awareness and communion with the unseen realms. I had a glimpse and felt that we never truly lose our loved ones. They merely inhabit different vibrational frequencies, which we shall one day merge again in the unfolding cosmic journey. This transcendental experience was my first true awakening to the reality existing beyond the view of our ordinary perceptions. It was more than just an “aha” moment. It was a “of course” moment. An instinctual recognition of underlying truth my soul has always known.


The feeling of being intimately connected with a greater cosmic consciousness that Reiki unveiled was so stirring that I could not turn away from it. I immediately immersed myself in the Reiki training classes offered the following weekend. And I did not stop there. I continue to deepen my studies and practice until receiving the sacred Reiki Master teacher training and attunement. As I began consistently applying this healing modality, I felt like ancient fountain of innate knowledge within me awakened. It was as if I was remembering long-forgotten wisdom and elemental truth that were dormant in my energy field and deep in my subconscious memory. 

A few years after receiving my Reiki Master teacher training, I was diagnosed with a small cancerous melanoma on my lip that required immediately surgery. Within a week I under-went two extensive procedures – one to remove the mail melanoma itself and another to reconstruct my bottom lip. Though the prognosis was severe, the medical team was successful in eradicating the cancerous growth, and found no further spreading.  Another wave of clarity hit me as I started practicing Reiki again during my recovery.


Over many years, I had sacrificed speaking my truth in a well meaning but ill-fated effort to “keep the peace” with my family dynamics. I had systematically suppressed my emotions, perspectives and natural ways of expression. I realized then that this physical manifestation of disease expressed the feelings I had suppressed for far too long. In that moment of realization, I made an unwavering commitment to embrace radical authenticity. And I vowed to give full embodied expression to my emotions, beliefs, and perspectives without apology.


Reiki became a steady companion through the trials and tribulations that life would bring. This age-old practice would shine as a beacon of hope whenever I found myself stranded in emotional anguish or turmoil. It revealed the temporary nature of my suffering and opened pathways to inner peace. Through its teachings, I came to trust in an underlying harmonic order, orchestrating every transition and circumstance I’ve encountered on this life journey.


Reiki started a deep transformation in my life, shaking the foundations of my believes and the worldviews. Yet this power extended beyond my inner landscape of consciousness. Reiki was also an agent for shedding lifestyles, relationships, and circumstances that no longer supported my revolutionary growth and alignment. It was like how dog instinctively shakes off water after a bath, an instinctually rejection and release of what no longer served me.


Through my Reiki journey, I gradually lost interest in nightly socializing with friends who enjoyed the party scene. I now understood why I would experience undeniable dread washing over me in the lead up to these outings as I would physically sense that these environments of sensory stimulation no longer resonate with me, and I no longer enjoyed them. So I began turning down invitations and disassociating from these old friendships and their party lifestyle. I didn’t become a homebody. I preferred attending events to meet and connect with like-minded souls who had also awakened to a deeper calling of consciousness expansion. In these elevated circles, I have found nourishment, reflection and empowering mirror for the metamorphosis I was undergoing. Another epiphany emerged. Evolution signaled it was time to prune the deadwood of inharmonious attachments and loyally follow the thread of guidance pointing to my highest potential.


Immersed in the Reiki path, I began contemplating the depths of insight and holistic health benefits it offered. I shared these experiences more widely and began offering professional Reiki sessions to the public. I felt immensely fulfilled collaborating with clients who initially came seeking only relaxation, yet through our sessions, discovered the underlying roots of their every day health challenges. Most arrived with physical elements as their chief complaint would inevitably find the apparent connections between their physical symptoms and unresolved emotions or psychic distress. As in the saying, “ like attracts like”, we inevitably draw toward reflections of our vibrational state. The currents of synchronicity guided me toward those who resonated with and mirrored back my journey of integrating mind-body- spirit wellness in my clients. Just as Reiki had clarified the subconscious influence affecting my own experiences of unease, this sacred practice was unveiling comparable clarity for my clients. This is the profound depth of awareness and expanded consciousness to which I have never referring.


Humans are more than merely physical “meat and bones” beings. We have layers, like the layers of onion. We are multidimensional beings with complex layers of existence intertwined with each other. Reiki presents us with unparalleled clarity to recognize and navigate the mixed landscapes of our being – the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – illuminating how they connect as an integrated, holistic system animated by consciousness itself and our connection to the cosmos.

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