
About Reiki

Reiki is a hands-on, gentle, and non-invasive healing art form that supports energy healing in the body. Developed by Mikao Usui in 1922, Reiki has Japanese origins and a history spanning about 2,500 years. It promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, and can be a powerful complement to psychotherapy and other healing modalities. 

During a Reiki session, individuals lie fully clothed on a massage table as the practitioner lightly places their hands in various positions across the body, channeling positive, high-frequency healing energy to release blocked & negative energy and restore balance in your physical and energy body. 

These sessions can calm emotions, shift negative thinking patterns, and promote physical, mental, and emotional healing. Reiki can also accelerate the healing of injuries, reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and other medical treatments, and assist people in recovering from addictions and substance abuse.

Your first healing session typically needs to be 90 minutes (including conversations and listening). If you just need a tune-up, a single healing session can give you the clearing and balancing you need in the moment. Typically, deeper long-term physical and emotional issues need multiple sessions to resolve and heal. 

Before: It is important that you don’t drink coffee or caffeinated drinks within 6 hours of your Reiki and healing sessions. Have your meals at least 3 hours before your session so you body is not focusing on digesting food. Also please refrain from having alcohol two days before and after your session; wear comfortable clothes and please not wear perfume when you come for a session.

After: It is recommended to drink plenty of water (with lemon) or non-caffeinated herbal tea after treatment. After energy and bodywork, the body as it detoxes and releases heat needs ample hydration to reconstitute itself. Gentle walking and/or stay in silence to aid in integration is encouraged, as well as grounding food, and plenty of rest. Post session is considered to be a subtle energy reset, so it is important to give oneself the space for the mind and body to heal and reconnect. Typically this lasts for the remainder of the day following treatment. Please refrain from interactions with others or engaging in stimulating mental or physical activities for at least 8 hours. Journaling after your session can be helpful. It is common when you spend time in reflection after your session you will see or feel things in new ways.

Your appointment is confirmed once you make the prepayment of $60. This payment can not be refunded if you cancel or change your appointment. Thank you very much for respecting my time and commitment.

Payment: Venmo | Paypal | Zelle (818-853-3033)

Reiki Healing Session

  • Chakra Balancing
  • Emotional & Trauma Healing
  • Heals Unconscious Patterns & Additions
  • Reconnect with your Higher-Self
  •  Identify & release early life or ancestral patterns negatively affecting you

A Reiki session with Lepeng begins with a brief conversation to clarify your intentions. The initial session is usually 90 minutes to allow time for understanding your needs and answering any questions about Reiki and the process. You then relax on a massage table for about 60 minutes to receive Reiki. The session often starts with a guided meditation, where you are guided to envision walking through a forest, onto a beach, or by a river or lake for ultimate relaxation.

After the guided meditation, the Reiki energy begins to work even without touch. Lepeng scans your energetic field to determine where to place her hands, each position lasting 3 to 7 minutes with minimal pressure. Most people feel heat from her hands and concentrated sensations where they are placed. Many experience colors, waves of energy, and other visual phenomena with their eyes closed. Alongside deep relaxation and a sense of unconditional love, unprocessed emotions may surface, leading to intense feelings such as anger or sadness, presenting an opportunity to release and move forward. The reiki energy will continue to balance, heal, and guide you for days after the session.

  • 70 mins | $175
  • 90 mins | $225
  • Please ask for $25 discount if it helps you
“I had a wonderful reiki session with Lepeng. Her presence is bright and openhearted and the treatment left me feeling like I was floating an inch off the table in a safe cocoon. Every cell in my body felt activated and vibrant for a long while afterwards and I had fresh inspiration and renewed energy for days.” – Sophia

Healing Massage

  • Deep Relaxation
  • Release Stress & Pain
  • Grouding & Clearing


Lepeng’s massage style is a beautiful blend of Shiatsu and Esalen massage. Shiatsu is like acupuncture without the needles, focusing on unlocking your body’s energy flow. Lepeng uses gentle pressure both on acupuncture channels and specific points to release blockages and restore balance. This ancient healing practice from Traditional Chinese Medicine can help with both physical and emotional well-being.

Esalen massage, on the other hand, is about deep relaxation, connection and wholeness. Lepeng creates a serene environment where you can fully let go. As you unwind, your body may release tension it’s been holding onto, leading to a sense of peace and renewal. This integrated approach allows for the clearing of physical and emotional blockages, offering profound healing on multiple levels.

  • 90 mins | $180  (massage only)
  • 100 mins | $225 (massage & Reiki)
  • 120 mins | $270 (massage & Reiki)
"Lepeng is a gifted and intuitive healing conduit. The healing energies that flow through her hands are clean, clear, and transformational. She is a natural empath who knows where there is an energy blockage and how to release the blockages in the physical body and energetic fields. Her Reiki sessions always put me in a dreamlike and meditative place - all my worries and pain are dissolved and my mind and thoughts are transformed. She is calm, compassionate, and a great listener. Shiatsu massage sessions with her have helped to align my physical body, which makes me feel more balanced and energized. I highly recommend her for both Reiki healing and Shiatsu massage sessions!" - Chris Gillian

Reiki Healing Experience (For Couples and Groups)

  • Deep relaxation & let go tension 
  • Receive inspiration and inner guidance
  • Release unprocessed emotions
  • Experience unconditional love


Begin your journey with 30 minutes of gentle yet dynamic Qigong movements. These flowing exercises will open your energetic pathways, calming your mind and preparing you for deep relaxation. Next, a guided meditation and soothing music will gently usher you into the Reiki healing experience. Comfortably lie down on a yoga mat or massage table as the healing energy, guided by its own intelligence, flows through and around you for approximately 50 minutes.

This unique energy responds to your individual needs, promoting healing, offering insights, and guiding you towards personal growth. You may find yourself releasing negative thought patterns, dissolving emotional blockages, and embracing empowering goals. While physical touch is not required, some individuals prefer hands-on healing during the session, which can deepen the physical sensations experienced.

This is also a great experience for couples to experience together to:

  • Strengthen your love connection: Enhance communication, empathy, and understanding.
  • Remove obstacles: Dissolve negativity, past hurts, and emotional baggage.
  • Clear unhealthy emotions: Let go of resentment, anger, and fear, making space for love to blossom.
  • 90 mins | $250 up to two person
  • 120 mins | $360 up to two person (Reiki and Sound Healing)
  • $40 for each additional person
"Thank you for last night! I was surrounded by my entire support system including ancestors and they were all sending healing energy and roses to my body to heal me and my cells. My fear melted away because I have a scan coming up next week. Can you please share with Austin that the way he plays the bowls allows me to get out of my thoughts and stay in sensation and visualization. Had a major breakthrough about accepting help and love. I am very grateful to you both." - Amanda

Benefit of Balancing Chakras

Chakras are energy centers in the body.  There are seven major chakras.

The first chakra relates to security, financial issues, manifesting, and trust.  The color is red and it is located in the perineum.  When this chakra is blocked, it will be harder to manifest things.   A person may feel ungrounded (spacy) and may have issues with money and security.  Opening this chakra should help each of these areas.  

The second chakra relates to sexuality, creativity, and old stuck emotions from the past.  The color is orange and it is located in the pelvic bowl.  Opening this chakra should help revive sexual interest or make sexual interest more healthy (as opposed to obsessive), increase creativity, and release some stuck emotions.  

The third chakra relates to personal power, the intellect, and anger.  The color is yellow and it is located in the solar plexus.  Opening this chakra should help a person be more assertive, less aggressive, and release some anger.  

The fourth chakra relates to the ability to give and receive love.  It is located in the heart area and the color is green or pink.  Opening this chakra should help one to be more loving, to be able to receive more love, and to clear some hurts from past relationships.  

The fifth chakra relates to one’s ability to communicate ideas and feelings.  The color is blue and it is located in the throat.  Opening this chakra should help with communicating lovingly and openly.

The sixth chakra relates to knowing what is one’s next step in life and the high sense perceptions such as the ability to hear your guidance, to see auras, and to feel energy.  The color is indigo and it is located in the third eye area.  Opening this chakra should help with being able to more clearly know what is one’s next step.  Also, it is easier to access high sense perceptions which are referred to as clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc.  

The seventh chakra relates to one’s connection with Source, however one conceives of it.  When this chakra is blocked, a person usually feels depressed, isolated, and lonely.  The color is white, gold, or purple and it is located on the crown.  Opening it helps to be able to feel more at one with life and connected to one’s spiritual path.  

Opening chakras may bring up painful feelings that have been stuck and a person may need to feel them and release them.  Another risk is that a person may not notice any benefit from this technique.  The chakra opening could only last for a few days unless the person makes changes in their life related to the closed chakras.  Continuing to have the same thoughts that caused the chakra to close will close it again.  Having all your chakras open gives you access to all your spiritual resources and gifts and aligns you with your higher self.  Additionally it increases your energy, vitality, and health.  

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